Wednesday, October 25, 2006


David Newton - Cape Town Comedy!

I felt we needed a little bit of comedy for today. Eskom, or Eksdom (I'm Stupid in Afrikaans) as some posters were reading earlier this year, delivered a little green note to inform us that they were going to be upgrading the system in Table View, and so we could expect the power to be off between 07h45 & 16h00.

So we unplugged
everything, to avoid the power-surges blowing up hard-drives, and sat and waited. And waited. And waited.

But nothing happened.

So we called the Eskom toll free number to confirm that they are working today, only to be sweetly told that, 'Oh no - we decided to cancel today's work. Sorry about that.' And that's that.

A comedy of errors - nothing else explains it.

At least I had abit of a laugh yesterday, when David Newton, one of the newer comedians on our books came by to visit, dropping off his DVD 'Defending the Laid Man' so I could get more of a feel of his style.

David is your regular guy next door, nice, clean-cut kinda guy, but put him on stage and he defends his manhood with very funny answers to the questions about relationships we all ask!

And his answers are obviously hitting home, because his "Defending the Laid Man" shows have been sold out in Cape Town for four seasons, two massively successful Grahamstown Festivals, and most recently in Durban - whose audiences loved him even though he wasn't a local-boy! And not only that, but after starting out on the Main Arena at the Cape Town International Comedy Festival, he was promptly featured in the Danger Zone and then the Best of the Fest!

David has had excellent reviews; Yazeed Kamaldien said, "You've got to see it to believe it. And he doesn't simply push the right button; he gives blokes jokes a pulsating new spin..."; while Derek Wilson enjoyed "watching the spikey, spunky David Newton work a willing audience into paroxysms of laughter. He has a quick mind which is as sharp as a scalpel, and thrives on audience input."

So... an actor, a very good comedian, a spunky MC... all rolled into one! Enjoy this snippet from "Defending the Laid Man"!

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