Thursday, February 01, 2007


Koos Kombuis - Reconciliation Day

I got to the office this morning, and Denise had mailed me lots of newspaper articles about stuff that is going on around us at the moment.

One of the really funny one’s is how Robbie Wessels had to do the ‘leeuhardloop’, or rather the assholerun, to get away from a charging elephant recently in Chobe Game Reserve, Botswana! (Thanks to Beeld for this pic)

The elephant was obviously still cheesed off with him regarding his references to being to king of the jungle, and finding him some 50meters from the safety of his car, decided to show him who is really the boss! Robbie got to his car just in time!

‘Trek af jou broek en brul, as jij wil, solank jij net leeuloop’ (Pull down your pants and growl, if you want, as long as you just do the lion walk) – well, his pants would’ve got caught around his ankles, and he would’ve been squealing like a kitten if that elephant had caught him! Stupid!

There was also an interesting interview with Koos Kombuis on, where he speaks about and sings his latest song, Reconciliation Day, written the day that Taliep Peterson was gunned down.

I am sure that this track, like his 2006 hit Fokkol, is going to be another big download as many people understand Koos’ complaints, and feel the same as him about crime and grime in South Africa. This is why I wanted to show his interview.

I don't feel the same as he does, and am far more hopeful that things can only get better, but songs like this cause more people to sit up, think and then take action. I just hope it is positive!

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