Wednesday, April 25, 2007


SNG in Port Elizabeth!

The Springbok Nude Girls will be hitting Port Elizabeth is tomorrow night, at Tapas Al Sol, launching their newest album Peace Breaker, at The Union! I am jealous, I must admit! Cape Town was such a cool party, and I’ve heard that Durban was also a hit, so prepare yourself!

I am sure that the windy city will need Freedom Day to recover from the hurricane that is about to hit them!

I have been playing Peace Breaker in the car when I fetch my boys from school, and am proud to say that Jasper (six-and-a-half) has full understanding of Rock ‘n Roll now.

It’s quite something when one considers all the traditional music he has been soaking in since birth - I was quite surprised when he said,

"So Papa, rock is like ‘Weee will, weee will, Rock you’!"

'Yes boykie – that’s Rock n Roll!"

The wisdom of babe.

So folks – get out there tomorrow night, and have a rocking good time!

16h45 UPDATE: I'm sorry people... I wasn't aware that Grahmastown was cancelled. But we have just found out - Arno's mom-in-law, Arlene just confirmed it for me... Sorry about that!

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