Monday, October 09, 2006


Mandela The Authorised Portrait

I went out today to treat myself to a new book I spotted yesterday at Canal Walk - Mandela: The Authorised Portrait, published by Wild Dogs Press in association with PQ Blackwell it was released on 02 October 2006.

I sat in the setting sun a little earlier paging through it, and was glad that I had – not only did it the sun warm me up a little – yep, it was only 17 degreed today – but mostly I was warmed again by the beauty of this man.

Speed reading through the different chapters in excitement, I was seeing photographs I hadn’t seen before, hand-written letters and official government documents, and was again warmed that we are so fortunate to be alive in his time. To be able to witness for ourselves what a great man he is, and has been, in the short time we’ve really gotten to know him.

It is a stunning book – and will look damn good on anyone’s coffee table! Be that Kofi Annan’s, who wrote the foreword; Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s, who wrote the introduction; or even President Bill Clinton who is quoted in a number of chapters – though it’ll have to hold a place of pride on my bookshelf! I’ve got a 6 & 3-year old, and I doubt the old man would take kindly to Yogurt-drink being spilt all over him.

Kofi Annan writes, “To this day, Madiba remains probably the single most admired, most respected international figure in the entire world. He continues to inspire millions of people and several generations throughout the globe, by continuing to fight for reconciliation before recrimination, healing before bitterness, peace before conflict; by fighting for health, for education, for the right of every child to have a better start to life; by fighting against the destruction wrought by HIV/Aids; by spelling out the right and duty of not only South Africa, but all Africa, to take charge of it’s own future and fate.

This has been touted as the most complete collection of images of Madiba, ever collected, and with its 60 odd interviews is a magnificent tribute to the Man of the Century! It's a personal look at him, stories of his humility and great leadership, stories of how he moves people in the most powerful way.

Mandela: The Authorised Portrait is available at Exclusive books. Get it.

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