Friday, December 15, 2006


Tutu appeals on behalf of the Bushmen

Sometimes a little bit of pressure from the right people does have the desired results! Desmond Tutu recently made a video appeal to the world to get the Botswanan government to halt the eviction of the San Bushmen from their lands in the Kalahari.

This film was first released on 6/11/2006 by the Gana and Gwi Bushmen's organisation, First People of the Kalahari, and I read last night that the evictions were ruled as illegal on Wednesday, by two of the three judges on the case.

Of course, we don’t know if it was his appeal that had an effect, or whether the case presented had the power to convince, but regardless, the ruling is a great victory for one of the most ancient of cultures.

The world is such a fast moving place and greed causes us to make decisions that we might regret one day, but are powerless to reverse.

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