Monday, May 18, 2009
The ROOTs Cause

I will be updating there as often as I can, as I am unfortunately not able to sustain myself in the music industry alone, after we were forced to close down Peak Performances at the beginning of 2009 due to a whole stack of clients who didn't pay for the music after the fact. A sad state of affairs.
But the music continues, and so at The ROOTs Cause I will carry on the stories, giving the inside track to so many of our wonderfully talented musicians, and reminding you of some of our musical history.
The fat lady hasn't sung just yet!
Labels: African, music, south africa, world music
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Chris Chameleon's Flight of an Extraordinary Alien

Chris Chameleon who has always been one of Peak’s favourite artists, appeared at Mercury lounge on Thursday the 11th of last month, and the Peak’ers went off to enjoy some of his SAMA winning tracks with about 120 other eager fans. That’s because we couldn’t make the show that was recorded for the DVD, that was filmed on the 2nd of March this year in Stellenbosch. There were over 1000 fans there for the recording, and apart from a really top-notch production, I can see that it was a highlight in Chris’ performing career. He was enjoying himself!
From the moment he steps on the dimly lit stage; I knew I was in the personal space of the man, Chris Chameleon. Yes, his band was in full swing too, with Warren Leicher on Bass with Kevin (not brothers) Leicher on lead and Duncan Shelwell on drums, but it is the changing colours of the man that holds us mesmerized.
He was at the centre of my stage, to take me on a journey through his songs, and his world.
He sashay’s and minces; he mimics all the expressions he feels inside; bare-chested and almost exposing his inner self, to us, out there in the darkness.

in the licking of the lips
tricks that twist the wrists
wrists of my will to resist
surrender is bliss
(Paragraph four from the track Loving Fool, off the album Shine)
My girls tell me he’s sexy… honestly, their words. And, well, I suppose I have to admit that he is. Or to put it more professionally, he knows how work his audience well!
The press release for the new DVD, “Flight of an Extraordinary Alien”, says, ”Chris performed tracks from his first solo English album “Shine”, tracks from his Ingrid Jonker album “Ek herhaal jou” and a special version of popular Boo! song OOAA. Fans of “Ek herhaal jou”, will be pleasantly surprised by the new rock versions of songs “Korreltjie Sand, Pop val Stukkend” and “Opdrag Dwaling.”

Chris is currently overseas to perform 25 shows in 6 weeks in the Benelux countries, as well as 3 shows in London. And they are lapping up his music; Mirjam Adriaans for the Folkforum Festival in the Netherlands said that Chris was the surprise of the festival when he appeared there in August – just him and his guitar on stage – I can imagine they were blown away.
Strangely, after his show, I don’t miss Boo! so much any more. The sound is still alive is his show, it’s just become more mature.
But I would say, go and get the DVD “Flight of an Extraordinary Alien” – this is a hot example of what South Africa can do, never mind the fact that it’s another Chris Chameleon classic!
17h10 UPDATE: I forgot... apologies - I have the press release for all the Chris Chameleon shows in November, including the three in London - so I think its best that I put it out as is - just so I dont get anything wrong!
Chris Chameleon will be touring the Benelux with popular Dutch band SPINVIS from 19 October to 28 November. Chris has been to the Netherlands often in the past few years to perform at selected venues and festivals. His phenomenal solo performances have gained him many fans in Europe and at a recent festival in Folkwoods, Eindhoven, a Dutch publication wrote that “Chris Chameleon was the surprise of the festival.”
There are also three shows scheduled in London from 19 to 21 November: Chris will perform two solo shows and one show with a band.
In August 2007 Chris signed a contract with Excelsior Recordings in the Netherlands for the distribution and marketing of his new Afrikaans album “EK VIR JOU”. The fact that Chris will have a physical presence on stages in the Benelux during the next 6 weeks, together with the infrastructure in place with regards to marketing and distribution, makes it certain that this upcoming tour has everything in place to maximise the potential for Chris`s success in Europe.
Executive Director Ferry Roseboom says that Excelsior Recordings is very happy with having signed Chris Chameleon. “ We recognize the immense talent of this man and we are proud to be able to bring his work to the audiences in the Lowlands.”
With Excelsior Recordings on his side, rave reviews and a growing fanbase in the Netherlands, Chris Chameleon is set to be a pioneering force for South African music in the Benelux countries.
01.11.2007 Het Varken – Edegem (Antwerpen) B Solo show
02.11.2007 Theater De Maaspoort - Venlo NL (Support Spinvis)
03.11.2007 Theater aan de Parade - Den Bosch NL (Support Spinvis)
04.11.2007 De Kleine Komedie – Amsterdam NL (Support Spinvis)
05.11.2007 De Kleine Komedie – Amsterdam NL (Support Spinvis)
07.11.2007 – Utrecht NL Solo show
08.11.2007 De Meenthe – Steenwijk NL (Support Spinvis)
09.11.2007 Schouwburg De Kring – Roosendaal NL (Support Spinvis)
11.11.2007 Frowijn – Nijmegen NL Solo show
14.11.2007 Theater Junushoff – Wageningen NL (Support Spinvis)
15.11.2007 Stadsgehoorzaal Vlaardingen – Vlaardingen NL (Support Spinvis)
17.11.2007 Philharmonie – Haarlem NL (Support Spinvis)
18.11.2007 De Kobbe – Mortsel B (10.30 uur) Solo show
18.11.2007 Effenaar – Eindhoven NL Solo show
19.11.2007 Aardvark – London, UK Solo show
20.11.2007 Aardvark – London, UK Solo show
21.11.2007 Halfmoon – Putney, London, UK BAND show (only one in Europe!!!)
23.11.2007 Agora – Lelystad NL (Support Spinvis)
24.11.2007 Theater in de Muze – Noordwijk NL (Support Spinvis)
25.11.2007 Musicon – Den Haag NL Solo show
27.11.2007 Theater de Mythe – Goes NL (Support Spinvis)
28.11.2007 Schouwburg Amstelveen – Amstelveen NL (Support Spinvis)
Labels: Afrikaans, Boo, Chris Chameleon, English, music, SAMA, Shine
Rugby, renovations and the sound of music
There has been such an energy pulsating on the streets of Cape Town, and you can feel the proud glow of everyone around you. I took my boys to Newlands on Monday to see the team, along with some 40 000 other people, and it was a real ‘frog-in-the-throat’ emotional high! Its good for this country.
We closed up our home for three weeks and camped in the garden, because when you start a little DIY in the home, more and more projects jump up to bite you, so our kitchen got a face-lift and the rest of the house new flooring; while we were at it.
So here’s to summer, to music and laughter, and getting back to some real hard work again!
Labels: peak performances, rugby, summer
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Mimicing KFC Popcorn

As an update, Ferdi arrived for lunch too today – getting all the girls into a tizz – of which we had to take a few shots to prove it! (Right - Ferdi was gryping Denise and Angie)
I was also sent a video clip yesterday of an ad I did a few years ago (by Fresh Water Films), in which I made KFC’s Popcorn so famous that they had to change the name!
The day of filming was such a cool one – I was at, what I regarded as my regular haunt, at the V&A Waterfront, and all I had to do was enjoy myself! Its not like the performing was foreign to me, or that the crowds that the film crew attracted made me nervous! We even had a rent-a-crowd; a set-full of extras to fill up the plaza, and for me to use as victims, which attracted more people, until it almost seemed like a normal day at the office. That is, except that on a normal day I don’t usually have a towel-slave, who would dab me down, fan me cool, and bring the straw in my Red Bull to my lips… But we all have dreams!
So here’s a copy of that ad – ahhh nostalgia for the past! Twas lots of fun!
Labels: Comedy, Ferdinand Rabi, Rouvanne
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bergie birthday!
Its always nice getting pampered, and when you’re the only male in the office it is much more fun getting hugs and kisses from your co-workers! Eat your hearts out boys (and girls)!
I think that this is also a good time to introduce the newest member to the Peak Performances team, Miss Jamie Van der Walt. Jamie joined us at the beginning of July and has successfully survived the first 2 weeks of normal, every-day Peak office life – and that includes another of our team building/staff training days with Mark Berger at the Blue Peter Hotel, where we get down and dirty with the nitty-gritty of realizing the Peak dream.
So to all those who sent wishes – Ag dankie man – and hope everyone has a doppie tonight!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Watching rugby with Bill Flynn

I met him a few times, but the first time was the most memorable. It was during the Tri-Nations, and the Bokke were playing the Aussies. I was sharing a house with a mate of Bill’s, Murray Stewart from Milestone Studios (who had MNet), and because I was performing until just before the game, it meant I'd have to watch the first half with the white face. Murray asked me to just arrive and sit down without saying anything.
The game had started when I came jogging up the stairs, made-up and looking swanky from my show. I just walked into the room and sat down to watch the game, without even looking at the guys.
Bill looked at Murray, questioning, his face asking, “Wat die jel?”, and Murray shrugged his shoulders as if he had no idea where I had come from… Bill had a good chuckle when I eventually introduced myself, and we settled into watching the game, shouting a the highs, vloeking at the lows; watching with possibly the biggest Springbok fan out there.
Thanks to Zoopy, here is a short farewell to the big man…
Update 70/07/18 - In case there is anybody who doesn't yet know. There is a Memorial Service for Bill Flynn, who died of a heart attack just last week, on Friday 20 July at the Plumstead Methodist Church at 10a.m. and the wake to follow at the
Baxter Theatre at 12.30p.m.
Labels: Bill Flynn, Comedy
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Zimbabwe crumbles, yet the music plays on

It has gone stir crazy - just last Friday the price of petrol went up 4 times in a day at one service station - at the end of the day it was 50% more expensive than the start. Prices are changing as I write so to give too many examples would be worthless as they will be out of date before you can say “so how does the ‘simply add a nought’ school of economics work?”
I bought some CD’s for stock last week because the price was going up 50% the next day, the same amount it went up the week before and the week before that too. But I was lucky, they went up a further 80% this week.
Bracing for increases is a daily thing, there needs to be a move towards paying everybody daily - money needs to be disposable, spending what you have has become the order of the day.
One does not have to be a rocket scientist to guess who is being seriously affected - the poorly paid artist of course but still, the show goes on.
This particular style of Zimbabwean music is the “working man’s music”. You will hear it at every bottle store, and shopping centre and in the minibuses and on the radios all day, all over Zimbabwe.
The style was adopted shortly after independence in the ‘80’s and the groove appears to have been imported from Congo and Malawi, although the lyrics are all in Shona (and mostly proverbs) - it was the new style of music for a new era in the post independent country and was rapidly popularized by the likes of the late Simon “Chopper” Chimbetu and Leonard Dembo.
With it’s constant bass drum beat, chattering hi-hats and snazzy rolls, and rapid fire guitars; the music is characterized by a 4-5 minute introduction where the lyrics are introduced with the riff going along; thereafter there is a further 6-10 minutes of guitar/bass/drum lead section - during which time the dancing happens.
The groups normally comprise 2 or 3 lead/rhythm guitars, bass guitar, drums, lead singer, 2 backing singers and perhaps 3 dancers who have there own particular style of dress and hairstyle (sometimes bleached and with ‘nicks’ in their eyebrows). They lead the audience with the dance routines. The most popular dances are the “Borrowdale” (named after the local horse racing track where they imitate a horse running) and an offshoot “Razor” dance (something to do with barbed wire) - both of these have been made popular by Alick Macheso and both involve some natty footwork and body movement.
This guy appeals to a legion of fans and his shows are a real blast. There are 2 launch gigs set for the coming 2 weekends - I will let you know how they go.
That’s the word from the Zimbabwe music scene - until next time gotta go I feel another “nought’ coming
Labels: Alick Macheso, world music, Zimbabwe
The music keeps on playing...

How about Arno Carstens and New Porn opening for the legendary Rolling stones in Spain a few weeks ago? Damn! Talk about a highlight in ones performance career! Can just imagine Arno parking off in years to come, his grandkids bouncing on his knee explaining how he’d opened for the grandfathers of rock!

South African actress, poet and television personality Lebo Mashile has won the 2006 Pan African book prize, the Noma Award, for her first published collection of poems, In A Ribbon Of Rhythm, published in 2005.

It’s rumours and lies…. The band is taking a break and that is all. Inge is going overseas for a while but she will be back. (Dominque Gawlowski - Lark's manager)
So there you have! No more lies!
On an international note, one of our sexiest groups, The Aerial Showgirls was invited, for the second year in a row, to choreograph and perform aerials with Carmen Electra and her dance group in Palm Springs – I will get some footage of this show soon!

And if the audience knew that half the group were as sick as hell, they would’ve been even more appreciative, because its damn hard to sing ‘ting wid a blocked dnose’ and to shake it all on stage when you haven’t been able to get out of bed for three days! Respect guys!
Coda was followed by the very funky Iridium Project, with sassy Lou Chase sex’ing up the front of stage, and DJ’s Nick Mathews & Craig da Sousa laying down a bed of orgasmic beats from the back.

They ooze sex appeal, getting their audience off their butts and onto the dance-floor, where they gyrate and bop right until the end of the set.
You cannot sit still.
And you cannot claim to have kept full control of your feet during the show. Every part of you wants to move; get down and funky; and in my case, my body starts to think I am as cool as John Travolta in the Pulp Fiction scene at Jack Rabbit Slim’s…
I hope everyones week is going to be as great as I am sure mine is going to be!
Labels: coda, iridium project, Lark, music, New Porn
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Brother Number gets a rave review!

Brother Number is a comedy set in the world of Home Affairs. Doesn't sound like much on paper, but, oh boy - in execution it is a brilliant surrealist allegory set in an epic story world. Rob van Vuuren and James Cairns play Stan and Harvey, two brothers who were kidnapped and sent to work in the bowels of the Department of Home Affairs.
For 16 years, they have been sitting in a little windowless room making ID books. They are the only two people in the world who know how to knock up those nifty green documents. When an explosion blows their tiny world wide open, Stan and Harvey must try and find their way out of the labyrinthine Department of Home Affairs. It's hard to convey the immense scope of the plot without giving away essential details.
The play addresses the nature of freedom and identity framed in rich allegory. The story is thoroughly absorbing with nuanced characterisation, limber dialogue and intricate narrative arches. All the characters are wreathed in archetypal familiarity a la Vladimir Propp. Brother Number moves like a Grimm fairytale, jocular on the surface but undercut by a sinister edge. if the story was ever to be adapted for the big screen, only Terry Gilliam would be able to negotiate its delicate balance between light and dark.
The performances are uniformly excellent. Van Vuuren and Cairns totally inhabit the host of characters populating the play. They manage the disparate accents and mannerisms with verve. They have excellent chemistry and their alacrity smacks of intense rehearsal. The occasionally wordy script is enlivened by their superb physical theatre and facial gurning.
Brother Number is throughly satisfying, both emotionally and intellectually.
Cool hey?
Labels: Comedy, Kalk Bay Theatre, shows, T*M*A*S
Monday, June 04, 2007
Zimbabwe: if in doubt add a nought

The phenomenon known as hyperinflation has led to the introduction of the “simply add a nought” school of economics with the main rule being… “if in doubt add a nought“.
Predictions are that inflation will rise even more and pretty soon we gonna run out of “noughts” on the computer again… suppose we will have to start again from “nought”.
I said it before but the hour before dawn is the darkest and it is at these times that we closest approximate the truth - as the veils fall away the truth is revealed. Expression prevails and creativity emanates. The survival instinct is paramount in us all.
So despite the challenges of everyday survival it is our duty to look to the outcome we desire the most - recognition, success and bringing joy through entertainment.
I have been in England now for a couple of weeks, further promoting our musical cause - sending out promotional literature, talking to promoters and getting our music out to all the contacts made over the past years.

Our plan then is to put together a tour of Scandinavia for Busi and Band Rain in Oct/November and then to come to UK for a series of shows, at which time we will fly in Willom and Dino and then do “double headers” with a focus on the Zimbabweans living in the so-called ‘diaspora’ who would really enjoy that combination. Whilst for those ‘non-Zimbabweans’ in the house they get the chance to enjoy a wider spectrum of Zimbabwean music styles as portrayed by each act.

So that’s where we are up to so far - I return to Zimbabwe next week - expecting to be shocked by the changes - a month in one’s life here can truly be defining. Until next time
Labels: Busi Ncube, The Collaboration, world music, Zimbabwe
Saturday, June 02, 2007
The Mt Everest team at CTIA
Last night saw a very thin looking, but happy, South African team arrive safely in Cape Town, after their unforgettable experiences on Chomolungma, or Mount Everest. We were part of a relieved group of families, and I am sure that everyones first thought was to get the guys home to fatten them up!
Cape Storm, who sponsored some of the teams gear, was also there in force and even had a poor guy standing there in a full high altitude down suit...
They are going to be chilling this week, but I understand that there will be a press conference at KFM on Wednesday morning.
I have no desire to ever attempt climbing a mountain such as Mount Everst, but is searching for information about guys has really given me a lot of respect for everyone who goes up to challenge her slopes. Every person who does, I believe, is a hero; but we will never really understand or be a part of what they have gone through, because every journey is a personal one. We can just admire them, and understand that life will never be the same for each.
Labels: 2007, cape town, everest
Friday, June 01, 2007
Eat or be eaten - life in Kruger
This 8:23 min clip is a celebration of life! This poor buffalo calf gets to discover 1st hand the dangers of being a little guy in the bush, when he has to deal with hungry lions, crocs and their inability to agree on who is actually going to get to eat him. But then, as with most fairytales, this one too has a great ending!
Really worth the stream-wait. Have a wonderful weekend folks!
(Grrrr - for some reason I couldn't embed the YouTube clip - so here is the link!
Labels: African, video, wildlife
Thursday, May 31, 2007
EverestSA2007 Final Update - Coming Home

There hadn’t been much news of late after Mike & Ronnie had successfully summitted on the 23rd of May. John obviously didn’t have any way of communicating with home after he had gone down to Base Camp from about 7 800 meters, and from there to Kathmandu, and only after Mike & Ronnie were on their way down did updates come in.

We’re incredibly proud of all 4 of the team; Ronnie, Mike and Andy van der Velde for reaching the summit, and John for going almost a 1000 meters higher than he had been before. If John (58) had reached the top he would have been the oldest South African to summit, but this time the honour had to passed on to someone else, and younger in the family with Mike (55) now holding the record.
Amazing stuff!
Labels: 2007, everest, final update, south africa
94.7 Raw Rock Concert With Rapport

Here’s the scoop! We have finalized the line-up for the 94.7 Highveld Stereo Afrikaans concert, in association with Rapport newspaper, to be held at the Sun City Superbowl on 23 June 2007! They have united some of the hottest names in the Afrikaans music industry to bring listeners a rock concert they'll never forget.

Afrikaans music has literally exploded in the last decade with hundreds of extremely talented musicians emerging every year. 94.7 Highveld Stereo commands a huge following among Afrikaans-speaking listeners - almost a third of its audience speak Afrikaans as their first language.
"We love our Afrikaans listeners and we thought this would be a great way to give them what they want," said RAW presenter, Jeremy Mansfield. "This is the first time 94.7 Highveld Stereo will be hosting an Afrikaans music concert. The talent that is going to be showcased is truly amazing and the team is very excited to be hosting this event!"

Nearly 40% of Rapport's Gauteng readers choosing to listen to 94.7 Highveld Stereo. Over the past two years Rapport has become more involved with the Afrikaans music scene, with more than 250 000 copies of its four 'Sing Jou Taal' CDs and two DVDs already sold. Therefore a partnership on RAW Rocks was a logical move for Rapport.
"We are very excited and are looking forward to being a part of one of the most memorable music events of the year," said Lani van Staden, Rapport Brand manager. "Rapport is currently experiencing growth in readership, and we would like to give something back to our readers. They are passionate about their Afrikaans music and the rock angle will also be popular among younger readers."

Kurt’s latest album Lekker Lekker, recently nominated for a SAMA, was put together by Kurt working closely with the hit-making duo of Marc Brendon & Don Kelly– they’ve had more than a fair share of success over the last few years, building Kurt’s brand into a very powerful profile.
So to get you all lekker lekker for a week full of music, here is Kurt’s Meisie Meisie (Girlie Girlie…)! I will be posting lots more info about the concert as the time comes closer!
Labels: 94.7, Afrikaans, concert, Kurt Darren, music, Rapport, Sun City
Just Jinjer’s June Jol’s

They will be coming back to our shores later this year, and as we have said, they’ll be available for gigs in SA during November and December. (And we’re going to have some exciting news about this a little later, once all the contracts have been signed, and the deposits paid… suspense!)
In the meantime, if you aren’t lucky enough to be on this wonderful continent and the word ‘BUSH’ makes you want to be Canadian, as opposed to thoughts of Deurmekaarbos, Dwerg-blinkblaar-wag-'n-bietjie bos and Kameeldoring boom, then you can get excited about some of the gigs listed below:
JUST JINJER kick off June at LA's legendary Viper Room this Friday night (June 1st) at 11pm. This month, JUST JINJER will also be hitting up Toronto (for the NXNE music festival), Buffalo, and New York City's famous Mercury Lounge.
JUST JINJER @ The Viper Room
Friday - June 1 - 11:00pm
The Viper Room
[West Hollywood, CA]
JUST JINJER @ Thursdays At The Square in Buffalo NY
Thursday - June 7 - 5:30pm
[Buffalo, NY] Free show!
JUST JINJER @ The North by Northeast Music Festival
Saturday - June 9 - 1:00am
[Toronto, ON, Canada]
JUST JINJER @ NYC's Mercury Lounge
Tuesday - June 12 - 10:00pm
Mercury Lounge
[New York, NY]
Here is a recent clip that was featured on CNN:
But back at home, hierso innie bos, don’t forget that you can vote for JUST JINJER's "Till I'm Done" on 5FM: Text your vote as many times as you like and watch JUST JINJER's latest single "Till I'm Done" conquer the charts!
SA residents text: Hi5justjinjertillimdone to 33345
US residents text: Hi5justjinjertillimdone to +27 33345
Labels: Just Jinjer, music, pop rock, south africa, USA
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The secrets of Home Affairs revealed!

Featuring Rob van Vuuren (from the wonderfully nice T*M*A*S), James Cairns and Jaco Bouwer, Brother Number explains for the first time why it takes so long to get an ID document – and it took a lot of convincing to get them to divulge this nationally sensitive information.
No matter how much Minister of Home Affairs, Mrs. Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, or her deputy, Mr Malusi KNOWLEDGE Nkanyezi Gigaba, protest, the time has come to let the world know as to why these talented brothers will probably never be allowed to leave the Home Affairs building.
If they did, we would probably end up with a dual presidency – Brothers in Arms!
So – just to make life easy for you, and because we do enjoy sharing this most wonderful and nice information, I would suggest getting to the Kalk Bay Theatre! At least before the Scorpions arrive to drag these prodigies back to the room from where they came.

DATES/TIMES: Wednesday to Saturday nights May 30 – June 23 at 20h30. Doors open 18h45.
TICKET PRICE: R90 to R200 depending on meal ordered.
BOOKING: 073 220 5430 / / 021 788 4936
Don’t forget, this piece was directed by Jaco Bouwer, winner of the prestigious Fleur Du Cap award for Best Director, and one Wilhlem Snyman once said him to be “one of the most exciting and innovative talents in the country”. Not bad. Then, of course, it is best that I quote the Cape Times, who said that “In his presence, one’s senses aren’t quite one’s own anymore”, and they could have only been talking about Rob van Vuuren, while said that James Cairns “flawless interpretation of his characters is astounding”.

PS – Home Affairs is in abit of a tizz since the brothers have taken this project on, and so have set up a website where you can check your ID, Passport AND marital status… I kid you not!
So please go and see the show so that the brothers can be safely delivered back to their department – it’s for the better of our country, and all those people who don’t know if they are married or not! And of course, it's the right thing to do!
Labels: Comedy, Kalk Bay Theatre, shows, TMAS
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Fokofpolisiekar and the dancing fat lady

Today Denise sent through this article from, in which they not only touch on some of the local and international skinder, but also had this to say:
Contrary to popular belief, (and recent press statements) premier SA Afrikaans Rock act Fokofpolisiekar are set to play a few more shows before going their separate ways.
Lead singer Francois van Coke has already been performing extensively as a solo act, gently numbing the pain of grief-stricken fans throughout SA.
Be sure to catch them at these shows:
9 Aug 2007 - Oppikoppi (Northam)
10 Aug 2007 - Coca-Cola Dome (Johannesburg)
11 Aug 2007 - Velodrome (Bellville)
29 Sep 2007 - OppiAarde (Potchefstroom)
Our only question is this: are they going the way of the Nude Girls? Who released an album called The Fat Lady Sings, but didn't actually disappear. It turned out the Fat Lady would sing anytime the price was right.

So if the fans still love the Nudies, and if Fokokpolisiekar want to get together again in 5 years time to play Die Dik Dame Dans, so be it then! Arno is doing very well with New Porn, and I am sure that if Boo ever had to get back together again, Chris Chameleon's solo success would certainly help sell tickets and albums!
Labels: Afrikaans, fokofpolisiekar, Francois van Coke, music
Promoting South Africa internationally

Andrew, who is Head of Production of the film company Panthera Productions in Dallas Texas, oversees a library of 12 awards winning wildlife films, thousands of images and stock footage (here are some samples). Since he and a partner started this venture in 1994, his passion for South Africa has developed to a point where he wants to make a difference here by creating projects that’ll promote S.A.’s talents to the rest of the world.
Andrew has been making films in South Africa for nearly fifteen years and have developed a real passion for this country, its people, and its music. He says that African music as a whole is not well known in the States, despite the popularity of dated album's like Paul Simon's "Graceland" featuring Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and groups such as Johnny Clegg & Jaluka, and so he wants to change this.

We are discussing a potential soundtrack album spun off from the film which would undoubtedly do very well, as was the case of the "Buena Vista Social Club", and with some of the contacts he has, such as with Oprah Winfrey, Quincy Jones, and Bill Clinton among others; he really wants this to go far.
“I just arrived in Cape Town and am at the house of some fun, kooky people. This a couple that I met over the internet, having contacted them about a musician I was trying to reach. I started talking with this guy named Lenny who was very nice and very helpful. When I told him I was coming to South Africa, he insisted that I come and stay with him and his husband. Yes, his husband... and no, they are not gay. Lenny, it turns out, is a woman! hehe. Anyway, they run a record / performance company, and I am sitting in their house / office right now and it is a hoot... utter chaos. Two dogs, five cats, employees, and as near as I can tell- some sort of circus performer. Good times!”
Labels: Andrew Cerino, movie, music, USA
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Shannon Mowday on tour!

But the wonder that email is, delivered this little note to us this week:
Hope you are well. Am in Australia at the moment-back on Thursday and then all heel breaks loose. My festival dates are as follows:
26 June 04 July - Grahamstown Jazz Festival (Am playing with that Dutch pianist, Jeroen van Vliet)
08-12 August - Silde Jazz Festival Norway
20-25 August - Joy of Jazz festival - Joeys (workshops and performance)
06 October - Leipzig Jazz Days Festival Germany
22-30 October - Washington/New York standard bank conference in Washington but staying on a week to check New York.
Have got a horde of material from here to give to Rouvanne, so would be great to hook up when I get back
More info as we get it!
Labels: jazz, music, Shannon Mowday, tour
South African Blog Roundup

South Africa rocks because this country is in the first phase of a new period of history.
No learning curve is without accident, speed-wobble or hot-headedness; the point being that it is a learning curve, and we have to deal with issues that have always been avoided in the past, in new and creative ways. But the lessons we have learnt, and those still to learn, will make us stronger of character, determination, and hopefully give us a more focused will to ensure that we create our own destinies.
SA rocks in that within one generation people have the ability of rising out of poverty and creating wealth through entrepreneurship & ingenuity; where the child of a domestic worker can go to university, where a goat-herd can become president…

South Africa rocks, and I am going to carry on rocking with it!

I blog because I am passionate about being part of an age where information can get to the furthest reaches of humanity in moments. I am able to give voice to thoughts, opinions & make suggestions for change; to provide a platform on the world stage to those who do not have the means; and to become part of a broader international community that shares for the good of that community.
I blog because I want to make a difference.
3. What are two of your favourite posts?
Is SA Rocks bullshit - A Post By Ian Gilfillan
This post sums up so much of what I want to say, but often can’t, because my arguments don’t want to stand tallest-to-shortest!
Mavis is clearly on drugs
I think Mavis must be a favourite local comedian – telling her buddies of how she mind-f**ked her boss for the day – and that she will ultimately release a book titled “How I got Seth committed”.
Labels: SA Rocks